I just keep coming and going like the soft whispers of wind in the night, but that’s because I’ve been so busy with all the projects I’ve got going on for myself, from working on SOUL Meets BODY to my own personal growth and development. I’m taking online courses, I’m deep in my art, deep in myself and speaking of which, I’d like to present to you my FIRST piece of 2016. With this “new year,” I share a “new message.” To be honest, this message isn’t new….but it’s new to ME simply because it no longer falls on my deaf ears. I hear it loud, clear and with a shifted and refreshed perspective…so it sounds and feels brand-new.



A message to myself AND to others:

LOVE YOURSELF, REGARDLESS of how you look, what people do, think or say about you….including YOU.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy….and that’s not a good feeling at ALL. This is a reminder for me to love me and have my own back no matter WHAT.

I love myself, I nurture myself, I forgive myself, I heal myself.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, a woman, young, old, tall, short, natural hair or weaved/permed up, light skin or dark skin, heavy set or slim, WHATEVER STATE YOU’RE IN, YOU’RE FINE JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

If you’re looking to make genuine improvements on yourself and your life, then look in the mirror and say, “I love myself. I am DEEPLY IN LOVE with myself. I mean it. I love me! I do WHAT I can, WHEN I can, HOW I can until more opportunities present themselves to me. I am ALWAYS alright.” Ase!

I’ve had such a wonderfully overwhelming response on social media and in person when I shared this, that it has prompted me to release prints! I really love and appreciate when my artwork can touch and inspire others so deeply. Things like this keep me happy and inspired to create even more for us.

If you’d like to begin (or continue) to INDULGE in self-love REGARDLESS of what anybody else around thinks, says or does, treat yourself  here!

~SOULar Lioness XOXO

P.S., if you enjoy my writing here, don’t forget to keep up with me everywhere else! Visit me at any of the links below!

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We have someone with their hand raised?