Health is Wealth

Peace & Love Family! Welcome to Love Oneness Blog! Please allow us the opportunity to reintroduce ourselves. My name is Miyat, born Monica K.C. Bentley. My Twin Flame, best friend, and husband, is Sirius, born Antwan E. Ford. We invite you to come along on our journey toward holistic health that just so happens to be a love story. We are rebranding ourselves to offer solutions of healing for the body, mind and spirit.

My husband, Sirius, has been on his journey for over 15 years. His journey really began with the shocking diagnosis of a life threatening disease. He was initially given only 18 months to live. And after going through the torture of orthodox medicine, he decided to completely change his lifestyle and try natural and alternative remedies to restore his health. (YouTube video about his amazing testimony to health coming soon). I already was exploring natural health options. But, after his declaration, I decided to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine. Throughout the past 7 years, we have become masters in healing ourselves. We are having an internal love affair. Our family is the byproduct of the holistic healing we are giving to ourselves.

Health is wealth. Health is the most valuable gift a person has. It is not money, material possessions, or your relationships. Your health is the one component in your life that will define your potential to succeed in all other facets of your life. Health is the one thing that is most taken for granted, especially in our society. Our total destruction or resurrection depends on how we respect our bodies, and nature. We must become aware of the poisons and toxins we put into our bodies, and the effects they have on us. “Poison is substances causing illness or death when eaten, drunk, or absorbed even in relatively small quantities”, according to Queen Afua, in her book Heal ThySelf for Health and Longevity. When we heal,we must be prepared to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We must heal completely.

Let me start by taking a realistic look at the state of health in the United States. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States ranks 37th in the world in regard to Health. Many people may not see this as alarming. However, the average medicine (drug) developed by major pharmaceutical companies cost anywhere between a minimum of about $4 billion and as high as about $11 trillion.Big Pharma is big business. These statistics alone begs to question, if pharmaceutical companies can spend that much money on the average drug, then why does the U.S rank in 37th in health? Are people really being cured? Are Big Pharma companies really searching for a cure? It’s time to consider what it means to be treated for a disease.

According to Medical News Today, nearly 75% of all deaths are attributed to just 10 causes, with the top 3 of these accounting for over 50% of all deaths. We are just going to discuss the first 3 causes of death and some common diseases!

  1. Heart Disease describes several conditions, which relate to plaque (mucus) buildup in the walls of the arteries. As plaque builds, 5he arteries narrow making it difficult for blood to flow. Heart disease kills 1 out of 4 people. It is the leading cause of death affecting more men than women. Coronary Heart Disease costs $108.9 billion each year.
  2. Cancer is defined by uncontrolled growth and the spread of abnormal cells. Cancer affects people of all genders, ages and ethnicities. Anyone can develop cancer. The chances of developing cancer increases with age, exposures to carcinogens (chemicals & toxins) and genetics. The National Institute of Health (NIH) estimate over $200billion spent in 2009 alone. Interestingly, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates one-third of cancer cases… are related to being overweight, obese, inactive (sedentary) or having poor nutrition. AND GUESS WHAT?! About 40% of the US population is obese. $147 billion are the medical costs associated with obesity. When is the last time you had a discussion with your doctor about nutrition? Never mind, working in harmony to construct a plan to adjust your eating habits and lifestyle.
  3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease is the collection of lung disease that causes airflow blockage and breathing issues including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is estimated medical costs will rise from $32.1 billion in 2010 to $49 billion in 2020. Smoking is the primary factor, although exposure to air pollutants play an significant role as well.

High Blood Pressure affects one third of Americans. Some of the risk factors that cause high blood pressure is being overweight, or obese, not exercising enough, excessive amount of salt intake, poor eating habits, and stress. Luckily, these factors are ones you may control. Blood pressure is a major factor related to stroke.

Diabetes ranks the 7th leading cause of disease. 29.1 million Americans have diabetes. Diabetes can be genetic. However, most cases can be controlled or prevented with proper nutrition.

Some of the foods to be aware of that can cause disease are meats, sugar, salts, fried foods, fast foods, starches, and dairy. The purpose of meats are to provide protein. But meats also cause infections, constipation, headaches, cancer, and premature aging. Instead of eating meat, some substitutes are beans, peas, tofu, TVP, lentils, nuts seeds and sprouts. Sugar, in the form of corn syrup, corn sugar, white sugar, or brown sugar, can cause hyperactivity, stress, bone deterioration, poor memory, loss of hair, and bladder cancer. The best source of natural sweets come from fruits. Salt is an inorganic mineral that cannot be absorbed by cells. It can irate the bloodstream and stomach and blocks digestion. It also causes high blood pressure, kidney and liver disease. Kale, celery, carrots, lettuce provide natural sodium. Or as an alternative use Himalayan salt or Sea Salt. Fried Foods clog arteries. Symptoms of fried foods can manifest as cold hands and feet, sluggishness, heart palpitations, headaches, swollen ankles and hands, and high blood pressure. Flushing your system with lemon water can cleanse your system of plaque and mucus. Starches, such as white bread, white rice, and macaroni are difficult to digest. They clog the colon causing constipation. A clogged colon is responsible for 90% of our diseases, according to Dr. Robert Wood, quoted in Heal Thyself… Eat whole grains such as tabouli, bulgar wheat, couscous,etc. and only before sunset. Otherwise, you can wake up feeling fatigued, anxious, and depressed. We consume dairy to provide calcium for growth and strength of our bones. However, dairy causes allergies, asthma, hay fever, vaginal discharge, fibroids, and boils. Alternatives to dairy are almond milk, green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach and wheatgrass, and herbs, like spirulina, dandelion and alfalfa, which are high in calcium.

Knowing most diseases can be prevented by choosing to eat nutritious, vitamin and mineral rich foods can be the difference between life and death. It’s time to take your health seriously. It’s your responsibility. Let your food be your medicine!





Queen Afua. Heal ThySelf  for Health and Longevity. A&B Publishers Group. 2002

Miyat and Sirius journey into health started when Sirius was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Miyat obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Alternative Medicine and now is a Holistic Health Specialist, Certified Reiki Master, Holistic Doula, and Blogger. Sirius is a Life Coach, specializing in nutrition, meditation, and relationship counseling. Be on the look out for website coming soon!

Facebook: Miyat Israel

Facebook Fan Page: Love Oneness

Facebook: Monica KC Bentley 

YouTube: Love Oneness 

Periscope: Monica KC Bentley 


The Boss is Never Ugly

While growing up on the Black sides of Miami, one of the things I learned quickly: Men with money who made moves and had clout got respect from everyone. All of the men my mother dated were guys with something going for themselves. Some had a illegal businesses, but I knew these dudes weren’t scrubs and they were cool people.


Shaka Zulu movie box set


It was always the guy with smarts, who knew what they wanted and how to get it who were the center of attention. I never seen these guys make threats, they only gave warnings if fools got out of pocket. And if they did show anger, it was a momentary spurt that was needed to regain the upper hand in a tense situation.

They usually remained quiet, and if they spoke it was a short and well thought out response. They are the Joe Cool’s of the world. They are the CEOs who know that actions are man’s greatest orator. They are the rulers of the day, or the sovereigns of the night.

For example, have you ever seen any President of the U.S.A get on television, radio, or in newspapers go on a loud and angry tirade? Have you ever seen any British Prime Minister go off like an NFL coach who’s sick of losing close games? People with real power need not worry, so play it cool as you go for yours.


Fidel Castro & Malcolm X


Gentleman, please understand this: power is the greatest aphrodisiac known to man. It can have the biggest diva force herself to be self-conscious when around a powerful man.

Yeah its cool to work out and eat right, and its fine to have read an entire library including encyclopedias; but what gets a woman going is knowing her man is in control, and all important things shall get handled or heads will roll.


Omari Hardwick portraits “Ghost” on the show POWER

Deep down on a primal instinct level, a man with power is seen as a provider. Some guys may look like hell, but if he has clout and confidence, his chances of having women around is high. It’s almost as if that man can have sex with whomever and whenever he chooses.


One of my favorite songs from back in the day was from DJ Quick called Hand in Hand. Its a track I still play from time to time when I’m getting suited and booted to go out. The message I like most about this track, is that a man must get his life and money right before he thinks about stepping to the kind of women that he wants.

Good Brotha

Lamman Rucker

I’m going to close this out with a section from the book Dragonflies in the Swamp that may enlighten you. I hope this helps, and I’ll see you at the top.

“As a man remember, always focus on being successful in your field. As one guy told me, ‘being a rich man is like being a beautiful woman.’ A dude could look like Quasimodo, if he’s rich or wealthy, even chicks who’ve won beauty pageants will chase him. I used to think this was semi-gold digging, if not all out gold digging. Until I came up with a theory that helped me gain perspective.

My Gold Digger Theory:

Thousands of years ago, us men hunted animals, searched for eatable vegetation and caught fish. During those times, the better hunters were prime candidates. Now fast forward to us men of modernity. We don’t need to hunt animals. We instead hunt for ways to purchase food, clothes, houses and the wants of a woman, or women we lust or love.

Men who earn the most money, power, assets and respect, instinctively to a woman, are deemed better hunters. Some beautiful women feel entitled to these men simply because they’re physically beautiful. So they go after a glamorous lifestyle with a man, or the men, who can afford it.

It’s the survival of the fittest portfolio. Not making excuses for the practice of gold digging, but I can see why some women do this.

Examples of my theory:

(I). In high school, a girl once told me during a summer class, if she found a man who could easily afford the cost of a child, she’d marry him, and have all the kids he wanted.

(II). I heard on a talk radio show once that most married couples who divorced, often did so due to lack of finances.

(III). I asked many women “who would you choose: a poor man living pay check to pay check, with a great personality, who can please you sexually and romantically…Or a man rich beyond belief who is semi-interesting, who can’t be there all the time for you romantically and sexually because he’s on the go. But when he does try, he goes all out, hoping to make up for not being there?” They almost always picked the rich guy.

Hope this helps you guys. Too many suckers buy books, or listen to advise shows on attracting women, when it’s not needed. Be you and to hell with the world that doesn’t like it. Just remember guys, get your mind and life in order, you shall succeed with the ladies. Be a man, and your complimentary piece of a woman is sure to come”

Suited, Booted & Ready to Man Up

Written by Nicholas A. Brown, author, editor, and ghostwriter


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Why Teamwork always makes Big Dreams Work

The other day I expressed to my mother how I don’t trust many people, not even her or myself. Yeah, it sounds harsh and paranoid. But mistrust is healthy, now that I see every situation like a business deal. I’m not saying I take way all emotions, all the time. I just choose to keep one eye open, and let logic dictate the most fair course of action when dealing with others.

By seeing how much work is needed to make a profitable business, one must bring down their paranoia enough to form a team. You can keep your business small, but if you wish to expand, you’re going to need the right folks in place.

Ronin Warriors Ronin Warriors


I remember being part of a crew who wanted to start a music production company. The energy was there, the enthusiasm was solid, the main thing that was missing were people knowing their positions.

Three of us acted like the top dogs, while everyone else did their own thing — on their own sweet ass time. Lack of direction, lack of planning, and not defining different roles killed any shot of us rising to the top. We had a studio, over a dozen people claiming to be down for the run, and each person could have contributed something. But we didn’t know what our roles were, so things got hectic to say the least.

When people in a company know their positions, and the tasks assigned to their roles, things runs smooth like a finely tuned grandfather clock. Each cog not wasting time, only pushing ahead as the day goes by — completing assignments as they come.

Now that I know this, I shall be wise enough to avoid such drama, properly lining up whose in charge of what, and defining the roles given — avoiding distractions.

Scared Me As A Kid Michael Myers


You can be the baddest person on the planet in a particular field, being in a league of your own. But if you try to do everything yourself, you’ll be overwhelmed. While your doing an assignment for a customer, you may have to pull yourself away in order to do errands like wash your clothes, or pick up your homie from the airport.

In the future, I plan on hiring people to do writing and copy assignments for clients, and just focus on the promotion and creating of original content I wish to push. I’m seeing first hand that finding time to promote, type, and edit is quite draining. And I know its going to get even crazier, once I start doing seminars and workshops, based on manuals I’m formulating with coauthors and experts.

I’m confident money shall come because I focus on delivering quality work, plus investors are always looking for that next big IPO.

When the time is right, I’m hiring:

–  Personal assistants

– Writers for ghosting projects

– Editors

– Copy writers

– 1 Book keeper

– 1 Receptionist

– 1 Secretary

– 8 people for the street and online promotions

– 8 people for the sales and marketing department

– Lawyer(s) & Accountant(s) on retainer

– An IT company & cleaning service on retainer

– Advisers with stock options in the company.

I’m sure there are other positions I missed but the key point: as gangster as I think I am with writing words on paper, in order to have a company based on writing, I need other people with skill sets outside of my own. I’m sure I’ll run into problems, but I need them — whom ever they be.

Always Seek Perfection 1972 Miami Dolphins, the NFL’s only undefeated team


I hate to lose. Most people who are competitive in their fields can be sore losers. It hurts to put in your all, just to have it all come down. After each huge or small loss, learning enough lessons, in time I’ll be a huge success. But I know that in business, every Superman needs a Justice League.

Speaking of the Justice League, Batman is often the most paranoid of the bunch. This character has saved Gotham city, or the comic book world time and time again. During late 1939, months after the character debuted, his popularity began to wane (no puns intended). To gain younger fans, plus add depth to this character, they created Robin to assist Batman in 1940. There have been many versions of Robin but without him, Batman probably wouldn’t have lasted this long.

With the right partners and allies, you can do anything really. Make sure people are getting their fair share, and support them the best you can, even if they leave your company. For when you’re winning, you feel like the man (or the woman) when you enter a room.

Winning feels better than sex to me. It’s the biggest I told-you-so because when you’re winning, you don’t have to brag. All you and your team need to do is keep putting out quality work.

– Nicholas Brown, co-author of So You Want To Be A Stripper? The Comprehensive Guide To Go From Girl-Next-Door To Pole Dancing Diva

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Springtime Savings with Clearance Priced Crystals!

It’s that time of year again, a time for renewal, rejuvenation, rebirth, and cleansing. Let Gemineye Creations assist you on that journey with our amazing crystals, spiritual jewelry, spiritual supplies, and services! Save 45% on all items and services with code: HMN888
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Universal Trailblazers, Entrepreneurial Focus

“Black History Month” shouldn’t be just limited to February of every year. Black history is something that should be shared on a regular basis, in a way that drinking water is essential to our lives. 

It’s time we start acknowledging the incredible contributions that were made by people of color throughout the years; even more importantly, the black women who helped pave the way.

In Inf Mega‘s “Our History in Black” series, Mary McLeod Bethune, educator and civil rights leader, is spotlighted.

Because black history is something that should be shared before and beyond the month of February, its essential to recognize the people who are making a difference in our generation. In today’s time, there are a lot of emerging female entrepreneurs that are paving the way for even more lasting contributions to be made. Beautiful black female entrepreneurs to be exact! How am I so sure? I’m surrounded by them on a regular basis! As a black entrepreneur myself, these women have inspired me in SO many ways and continue to do with their radiant selves. If you want to know more about some of these women I hold dear, be sure to pick up this month’s copy of Self-Made Magazine releasing Monday, February 16th, to check out my featured favorites (click here to subscribe).

Before I bid you beautiful people adieu, I want to leave you with a few entrepreneurial affirmations that were given to me recently:

  • I attract success and prosperity with ALL of my ideas 
  • Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind 
  • I only attract lucrative, enjoyable and beneficial circumstances 
  • I have created the perfect business for myself 
  • Successful people are being attracted to me 
  • Everyday and in every way, I am becoming more prosperous 
  • My financial abundance overflows today 
  • I am full of money-making ideas 
  • I am open and receptive to new avenues of income 
  • I courageously sell my ideas 

To make sure that you’re able to read these everyday, a great idea would be to create an affirmation board like the one I’ve done below. I used dry-erase poster board so that I could rotate all of the affirmations on a weekly basis. Using the vision-board layout, I created a unique headline. Make sure you put it in a place where you will have to inadvertently look at it ALL the time for maximum results. Remember, its YOU who makes it happen with these tools! 

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Want more inspiring inspiring affirmations? Make sure you stick around for my next post!


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