“I NEED SOME ME TIME!!!!” The Amazing Benefits of Holistic Rest

Focusing your intentions on others can be a dicey game, while allowing the energy of others to merge with your own for sake of a common goal or elevating experience can be essential to human development. How much is too much? and is that amount of energy different for each person?

Couple sitting at bar and looking irritated

It is common more often than not to be encouraged by others to become more social. People who are “Anti social” are often looked at as crazy or flawed in some way. I believe that description is a blanket term used to describe what seems to be the stirring question no-one wants to answer; What do I do when I’m alone?

Bored Young Woman Stirring Coffee --- Image by © Vincent Mo/zefa/Corbis

See many fear being alone because it can stir up latent emotions and bring them to the surface while others absolutely need it as an essential part of their re-calibration process. So the question becomes when and how much time do I need for myself and how do I know when I need to take that time?
As, an empath when I need to take alone time it becomes apparent extremely quickly as I begin to become overly sensitive to other peoples emotions in a valitole and negative way. My body even begins to hold on to these emotions and they manifest as symptoms like headaches, pains, or even other more serious ailments. How do I know when the root of my illness is emotional? When I’ve taken all the proper physical precautions of diet, exercises, hydration, and rest and I am still in pain or uncomfortable this denotes an energetic issue.
That’s how I know its time for some “ME TIME.” Me time is how I re-calibrate my senses, much like a machine the body and mind often need time to power down and come into sleep or off mode if you will. What happens to a computer that is used often and never powered off? Even the best technology will still eventually falter if it doesn’t get rest. Your body and mind are the same. Even if you are getting enough sleep, that is not enough you need holistic rest. I briefly discussed this in my previous blog “7 surprising things I learned while on my 7 day liquid cleanse” link : (https://ataensicmedia.wordpress.com/…) I can not stress enough the importance of holistic rest, holistic is a term meaning that of which encompasses the whole self mind, body, spirit, and even soul and all of the various aspects in which these things manifest. More often than not our rest is 1 dimensional only comprising 1 aspect of self.
When we begin to recharge our whole selves we can then regenerate any correlating aspects that may have began to become damaged or are damaged in the process. The length of time that holistic rest must last will differ from person to person but ultimately it will all come down to creating a sense of peaceful awareness with-in.
Holistic rest may not be considered rest at all it may be activities that allow us to clear our mind, the rest simply being from our monotonous realities. Activities like running, swimming, hiking, yoga, and of course meditation can help us to clear our mind of cluttering thoughts, while elevating the necessary restorative hormones in our body to create an over all sense of release, peace, and balance. Even hobbies like writing, photography, and painting can have similar effects on the body and mind. With all this in mind it is extremely imperative that we not only take time to rest our bodies but to rest holistically, so that we can maintain an over all state of homeostasis; assisting us in creating happier, healthier, and less stressful lives.

Happy Woman in Meadow --- Image by © Patrik Giardino/Corbis

So the next time your feeling out of sorts, ask yourself, “Have I taken the proper amount of rest time for myself? and when is the last time I did?” The answer may shock you but no worries employ the technique of holistic rest for at-least 20 mins 3-4x a week and watch your agitation dissipate into contentment. I hope this information empowers you to cultivate the most important relationship you could ever establish in life, the one with yourself. Don’t forget to stay connected via our many social media platforms!
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I Sneak Popcorn into the Movies

Popcorn Wonder Twins

I have a confession. When I go to the movies, I pop my own popcorn and sneak it in.  Not because I’m frugal or can’t afford movie theatre popcorn. Primarily because I refuse to allow anyone to sneak toxins into my diet. How did I start this smart behavior? Well, let me tell you. Several years ago, I decided to buy popcorn at the theatre. I kicked back and relaxed in the comfy theatre style seat. I took a sip of my iced tea which had just the right amount of lemon and stevia. Oh yeah! I hook it up. Then, I ate a handful of popcorn. It tasted like sugar and plastic. I immediately stopped chowing down and pulled out my phone, opened up the web browser and typed in “movie theatre popcorn ingredients.” The trailers were rolling and my phone light was dim so I wasn’t disturbing the peace.

You might be surprised to know that this so called tasty treat is full of crap. Let’s start with the popcorn itself. The movie theatre didn’t share the source of the yellow kernels so I was left to assume they either didn’t know or didn’t understand why someone would want to know. Even though most corn in the United States is genetically modified, the popcorn experts state that popcorn comes from a different seed that has not been compromised. That’s what they say. I’m not sure I believe it. Also, most movie theaters are buying popcorn from conventional sources which means, it’s grown using insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fumigants. Then other chemicals are used to treat the corn.

Back in the day, they used to pop popcorn with real coconut oil but when Americans bought into the low fat craze, they stopped and now they say they pop it with butter. Since I’m not vegan or vegetarian, I would be cool if they popped it with ghee or butter from grassfed cows who were raised eating organic grass and if they had to have supplemental feed, I’d want that to be organic, too. Now, you know the movie theatre charges high ass prices but they definitely aren’t popping the popcorn in real butter. It’s hydrogenated coconut oil which is a trans fat and highly toxic to our body. If the theatre claims they use canola oil, it’s probably partially hydrogenated canola oil, which is also a toxic trans fat. Canola oil AKA rapeseed oil consumption is rumored to be one of the leading causes of heart disease by the way. Just the fact that they had to change the name from rapeseed oil to canola oil to make it more marketable should be a warning sign.

Then there’s the flavoring agent in butter. It’s actually worse than MSG type natural flavors. This crap caused lung disease amongst a group of workers who worked in the factory where it was produced. And you know it also has salt on it. And not the good stuff. No pink Himalayan crystals or Celtic Sea Salt. Oh no, that would be too much like right. It’s that white, poisonous craps that’s on most American tables in salt shakers. Yet another bleached body toxin. And back to that sugar. I never saw the ingredient listed anywhere but it’s in there. Trust me. I’m a former sugar addict and I know sugar when I taste it. I’ve heard from others that they tasted it to so I’m definitely not crazy.

So what’s the solution? I’ve already shared it. Pop your own! You control the ingredients and I’ll let you figure out how to get it in but I’ll tell you this.

Popcorn 2

  • Get it from a clean source. I live in Ohio and we have some nice Amish people here who love to do things the old fashioned way and they just happen to sell popcorn.
  • Use extra virgin coconut oil instead of butter, canola oil, or whatever oil you use. Coconut oil can withstand high temperatures so it doesn’t become poisonous to your body when you eat it. Plus, it tastes like butter. In fact, better than butter. Using this oil makes it so my vegan and vegetarian homies can indulge, too.
  • Use pink Himalayan salt or Celtic Sea Salt instead of white table salt. Need I say more about that?
  • If you like cheese or that fake cheese flavoring, try nutritional yeast. People debate the benefits or lack thereof of nutritional yeast. I love it and so do my husband and children. It’s a staple in our home.

So there you have it. Now you know my movie theatre secret. Thanks for reading my true confession and I encourage you to enjoy this tasty snack.

Health is Wealth

Peace & Love Family! Welcome to Love Oneness Blog! Please allow us the opportunity to reintroduce ourselves. My name is Miyat, born Monica K.C. Bentley. My Twin Flame, best friend, and husband, is Sirius, born Antwan E. Ford. We invite you to come along on our journey toward holistic health that just so happens to be a love story. We are rebranding ourselves to offer solutions of healing for the body, mind and spirit.

My husband, Sirius, has been on his journey for over 15 years. His journey really began with the shocking diagnosis of a life threatening disease. He was initially given only 18 months to live. And after going through the torture of orthodox medicine, he decided to completely change his lifestyle and try natural and alternative remedies to restore his health. (YouTube video about his amazing testimony to health coming soon). I already was exploring natural health options. But, after his declaration, I decided to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine. Throughout the past 7 years, we have become masters in healing ourselves. We are having an internal love affair. Our family is the byproduct of the holistic healing we are giving to ourselves.

Health is wealth. Health is the most valuable gift a person has. It is not money, material possessions, or your relationships. Your health is the one component in your life that will define your potential to succeed in all other facets of your life. Health is the one thing that is most taken for granted, especially in our society. Our total destruction or resurrection depends on how we respect our bodies, and nature. We must become aware of the poisons and toxins we put into our bodies, and the effects they have on us. “Poison is substances causing illness or death when eaten, drunk, or absorbed even in relatively small quantities”, according to Queen Afua, in her book Heal ThySelf for Health and Longevity. When we heal,we must be prepared to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We must heal completely.

Let me start by taking a realistic look at the state of health in the United States. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States ranks 37th in the world in regard to Health. Many people may not see this as alarming. However, the average medicine (drug) developed by major pharmaceutical companies cost anywhere between a minimum of about $4 billion and as high as about $11 trillion.Big Pharma is big business. These statistics alone begs to question, if pharmaceutical companies can spend that much money on the average drug, then why does the U.S rank in 37th in health? Are people really being cured? Are Big Pharma companies really searching for a cure? It’s time to consider what it means to be treated for a disease.

According to Medical News Today, nearly 75% of all deaths are attributed to just 10 causes, with the top 3 of these accounting for over 50% of all deaths. We are just going to discuss the first 3 causes of death and some common diseases!

  1. Heart Disease describes several conditions, which relate to plaque (mucus) buildup in the walls of the arteries. As plaque builds, 5he arteries narrow making it difficult for blood to flow. Heart disease kills 1 out of 4 people. It is the leading cause of death affecting more men than women. Coronary Heart Disease costs $108.9 billion each year.
  2. Cancer is defined by uncontrolled growth and the spread of abnormal cells. Cancer affects people of all genders, ages and ethnicities. Anyone can develop cancer. The chances of developing cancer increases with age, exposures to carcinogens (chemicals & toxins) and genetics. The National Institute of Health (NIH) estimate over $200billion spent in 2009 alone. Interestingly, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates one-third of cancer cases… are related to being overweight, obese, inactive (sedentary) or having poor nutrition. AND GUESS WHAT?! About 40% of the US population is obese. $147 billion are the medical costs associated with obesity. When is the last time you had a discussion with your doctor about nutrition? Never mind, working in harmony to construct a plan to adjust your eating habits and lifestyle.
  3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease is the collection of lung disease that causes airflow blockage and breathing issues including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is estimated medical costs will rise from $32.1 billion in 2010 to $49 billion in 2020. Smoking is the primary factor, although exposure to air pollutants play an significant role as well.

High Blood Pressure affects one third of Americans. Some of the risk factors that cause high blood pressure is being overweight, or obese, not exercising enough, excessive amount of salt intake, poor eating habits, and stress. Luckily, these factors are ones you may control. Blood pressure is a major factor related to stroke.

Diabetes ranks the 7th leading cause of disease. 29.1 million Americans have diabetes. Diabetes can be genetic. However, most cases can be controlled or prevented with proper nutrition.

Some of the foods to be aware of that can cause disease are meats, sugar, salts, fried foods, fast foods, starches, and dairy. The purpose of meats are to provide protein. But meats also cause infections, constipation, headaches, cancer, and premature aging. Instead of eating meat, some substitutes are beans, peas, tofu, TVP, lentils, nuts seeds and sprouts. Sugar, in the form of corn syrup, corn sugar, white sugar, or brown sugar, can cause hyperactivity, stress, bone deterioration, poor memory, loss of hair, and bladder cancer. The best source of natural sweets come from fruits. Salt is an inorganic mineral that cannot be absorbed by cells. It can irate the bloodstream and stomach and blocks digestion. It also causes high blood pressure, kidney and liver disease. Kale, celery, carrots, lettuce provide natural sodium. Or as an alternative use Himalayan salt or Sea Salt. Fried Foods clog arteries. Symptoms of fried foods can manifest as cold hands and feet, sluggishness, heart palpitations, headaches, swollen ankles and hands, and high blood pressure. Flushing your system with lemon water can cleanse your system of plaque and mucus. Starches, such as white bread, white rice, and macaroni are difficult to digest. They clog the colon causing constipation. A clogged colon is responsible for 90% of our diseases, according to Dr. Robert Wood, quoted in Heal Thyself… Eat whole grains such as tabouli, bulgar wheat, couscous,etc. and only before sunset. Otherwise, you can wake up feeling fatigued, anxious, and depressed. We consume dairy to provide calcium for growth and strength of our bones. However, dairy causes allergies, asthma, hay fever, vaginal discharge, fibroids, and boils. Alternatives to dairy are almond milk, green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach and wheatgrass, and herbs, like spirulina, dandelion and alfalfa, which are high in calcium.

Knowing most diseases can be prevented by choosing to eat nutritious, vitamin and mineral rich foods can be the difference between life and death. It’s time to take your health seriously. It’s your responsibility. Let your food be your medicine!





Queen Afua. Heal ThySelf  for Health and Longevity. A&B Publishers Group. 2002




Miyat and Sirius journey into health started when Sirius was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Miyat obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Alternative Medicine and now is a Holistic Health Specialist, Certified Reiki Master, Holistic Doula, and Blogger. Sirius is a Life Coach, specializing in nutrition, meditation, and relationship counseling. Be on the look out for website coming soon!

Facebook: Miyat Israel

Facebook Fan Page: Love Oneness

Facebook: Monica KC Bentley 

YouTube: Love Oneness 

Periscope: Monica KC Bentley 


7 Surprising Things I Learned During my 7 Day Liquid Cleanse


Over the past few years Ive  gone through a number of health issues that led to me striving to repair my body from the inside out. Through suggestion of my health coach I decided to embark on a 7 day liquid cleanse, including; green juices, herbal teas & infusions, as well as other herbal & natural liquid supplements. What I learned was surprising to say the least, it seemed like my body co-operated more than anticipated and I didn’t crave solid food until the very end of my fast. What I found to be my bigger challenges were emotional and mental well being. It’s very common to experience a plethora of emotions while your body cleanses, but this time more than any other I flowed with my emotions and allowed them to unveil to me hidden aspects of myself that contributed to my over all dis-eased state.

1.The Power of Positive Thinking:

Positive Thinking Affirmations

Many understand positive thinking as a cliche concept. “Oh, if I think good thoughts good things will happen.” Even though the simple aspect of this concept is true there is a bit more to it that makes it solidified as a manifested reality. You must more than think positively, you must replace the negative program of thinking that is currently running in your mind, and become proactive about creating a positive thinking pattern that can help to affirm your well being, your health, your wealth, and happiness.

Throughout the process of cleansing not only do residual toxins in the body come to the surface but, residual toxic emotions, like fear, abandonment, rejection and hurt also surface; with your body in such a vulnerable state it can be harder to fend off the overwhelming emotions that come with that release. The key is to remain positive in the midst of it all, and don’t fight but embrace the “negative” emotions while asking what they may be trying to teach you and how you can let them go!

2. The Value of Rest:

Woman Sleeping in Bed --- Image by © John-Francis Bourke/Corbis

(Photo Credit: Woman Sleeping in Bed — Image by © John-Francis Bourke/Corbis)

Now most of us are so programmed toward doing, doing, doing, we must do for family, do for work, do for others, but during a cleanse your focus should be on doing for self. It’s not selfish it’s self-love, which is the root of all other forms of love. How can you continue to give when your cup is empty? You can’t so you must take the proper time to refill the cup. Rest doesn’t always mean sleep, although you should maintain  at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Rest can also  just be simply taking a break from your normal programming. Go outside into nature, rediscover your inner child and sense of wonder. Stop engaging in energy draining activities, talking about drama or gossip with people on the phone, social media, or through other forms of communication. Remove yourself as much as you can from people who may be draining you, and of course make sure you are getting as much rest as you need for your body to fully heal.

Cleansing in and of itself can take a lot of energy, so remember to treat your body with care and gentleness and to save your energy for things that will enrich your experience with restorative practices like yoga, meditation, qi gong, hydration, pampering baths, and learning about how to heal and maintain yourself holistically.

3. When to Focus Inward:


Stop looking outside of yourself for love, validation, and respect, This all starts with-in. Once you have cultivated that practice of self healing you will naturally attract those same characteristics from others. Focus on who you are emotionally and where those voids start. Do they come from past pain or lost? When did you first start to feel this way? If you are cleansing to help rectify a particular health concern, what emotions are contributing to your dis-ease and how can you begin to change that?

4. The Value of Help:


Now of course you will need to help yourself before others can truly assist you in your healing journey but learn to be grateful for all the help your receive, it may even come from places you least expect. Sometimes all we need to do is show the universe that we are willing to love ourselves before we can begin to reap the benefits of others love. Maybe it was there waiting all along but the effects of your negative thinking cycle had you blind to seeing the amazing help that was there for you the whole time, or maybe you had to cultivate a mind that could attract these things into your world. Whatever the cause remember that when it comes, be grateful!

5. The Power of Forgiveness:


Now this was a powerful emotional release for me. I’m a very self aware person who often takes emotional inventory and ponders what are the causes for my states of emotional well-being. Anytime is a great time to begin this process, but especially after going through extremely stressful situations like a hard break-up, bout of illness, watching another family member become ill or pass away. These are times that can test your ability to remain positive and can change the way that you look at the world, but it doesn’t have to be for the worst. These are what we call transition periods, when something old must fall away to reveal a new process, life, or change. Every old ending is just a new beginning. Although it may not feel that way at first, a time of cleansing allows us to understand this as truth. A key part of ushering in the new energy that can come in after a transition is to forgive the pain of letting a passing energy go, although it may have been stressful and often during these times extreme sadness and resentment can crop up from the past that you may not even know you had or had forgotten exist it. During this time it is best to forgive those involved in creating that pain including yourself and allow it to fall away. It won’t happen instantaneously but it will begin a new way of being that will set the stage for a positive change to come into full being in your life.

6. Setting Boundaries


Although openness can help you and others heal, so can setting boundaries. We all have limitations to what we can and can not deal with and these limitations change as time goes on. During a cleansing process it is important to be very honest with yourself and others about what your limitations are and why they are an important part of self-respect and self-healing.  You will find that those who truly love you are more than happy to oblige and those who can not may not be fully conducive to your healing process. In anycase you must be strong enough to set these boundaries and strong enough to follow through with them on your own.

7. Letting It Go


The most important and helpful thing I learned throughout this experience was to let thought processes, perceptions, and realities that no longer served me go, because I understand that we are in a state of great change in this universe I am open to knowing that the me I am right now and the me I am meant to become may not hold the same ideals and ways of thinking. Like everything in the universe I must too change and that this change doesn’t have to be a struggle or traumatizing, but this change can be beautiful if I allow it to be. Everything may not turn out the way you envisioned but if you embrace change knowing that it doesn’t dismiss the truth of your inner being, you can understand what it truly means to be free. Sustain, transform, and evolve and through it all never be afraid to let, what is no longer meant for you, go.

Cumin Vinaigrette

ACV Dressing

Yo! I’ve been telling everyone about my new favorite salad dressing recipe. I call it Cumin Vinaigrette. Technically, vinaigrette dressings are made with wine vinegar but we all know I don’t follow the rules so I’m keeping that name. Why cumin, you might ask? Other than the fact that I just love the taste, there are other benefits. Cumin seeds are the most amazing and healing creations on this earth. We’re mostly familiar with the amber colored seeds that are ground into a powder and used in to make spice blends like chili powder or Mexican seasoning for tacos and fajitas. We all know how I feel about black cumin seed oil when it comes to healing and Natural Birth Control Options. Unfortunately, it doesn’t taste as good as it’s amber sista when it comes to salad dressing, though.

What else do I love about cumin? It promotes weight loss, enhances digestion, prevents cancer, reduces cholesterol, increases bone density because of the amount of bio-available calcium it contains, reduces blood sugar, and is a good bio-available source of iron and magnesium. It’s iron content is helpful to those who are living with anemia. It’s also helpful for those who are experiencing hemorrhoids, insomnia, respiratory disorders, and rhinovirus (AKA the common cold retrovirus). Mothers who are breastfeeding will probably notice an increase in their milk supply if they consume this herb regularly. In fact, people with boils will want to add this herb to their diet as it helps to fight the infection.


I discovered cumin when I was living a vegan lifestyle and wanted some more flavor in my black bean dishes. Even though I no longer eat a fully plant based diet, I still maintain most of the practices I adopted and eating cumin is #1 on the list. So how do you make this delicacy? It’s simple. Now just like I don’t follow the rules, I rarely measure so I had to make a batch just to write this blog and actually keep track of what I put in it. You’ll want to start with my base recipe and adjust it according to your taste.


  • 3/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin seed (or more if you’d like)
  • 1-2 pinches of fresh cilantro leaves
  • A dash of pink salt
  • A few dashes of black pepper
  • A few dashes of garlic powder, optional – garlic is not recommended for electric food lifestyles
  • A dash of cayenne pepper (or more if you like it hot)
  • Juice from 1/4 of a lime, optional


  1. Pour the oil, vinegar, and lime juice into a glass bowl and mix with a whisk to create an emulsion.
  2. Mix in the remaining ingredients.
  3. Adjust the recipe according to your taste, yet remember it will taste different once it sits overnight and the spices are released to unite with the oil, vinegar, and lime.
  4. Place the dressing in a container and sit it in the refrigerator overnight in a glass container (I have to admit, I rarely do this. I make it fresh and eat it fresh).
  5. Enjoy with any salad of your choice – leafy greens OR black beans and quinoa OR pasta salad just to name a few options.