Lions and Tigers and Rituals, Oh My!

Excuse me, while I channel a little of my girl Kali tonight. Y’all gone learn!

I’ve found that when you start throwing the word “ritual” around, it’s equivalent to a bank robber rolling up and slinging his gun around. Everyone goes into a panic, some duck down in fear of being shot and some randomly scream at the top of their lungs in horror. There’s a few that even grab their cross necklaces while doing their Hail Mary’s. And there may be a few that just stand there in shock with the stuck face. No one knows what to expect initially because they weren’t prepared for it. Their whole life flashes before their eyes. I guess I get it. Maybe not

I’ve also found that people are TERRIFIED of that which they aren’t fully aware of. When certain general self-care practices are mentioned in a language different than what most are used to hearing, everybody wants to have one big collective heart attack.



They don’t realize that everything really is connected and complimentary. It always goes back to source. So let’s quickly examine what the word “ritual” means and what it implies.

No need to clutch your pearls, it’s not that bad! 


Webster’s defines a ritual as a “religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order”. Taking religion out of it, this basically means ANYTHING that you do in a certain order to obtain a certain desired result. To make it even simpler, a ritual is your intention in action. 


When you wash your clothes, it’s a ritual. When you wash your dishes, it’s a ritual. When you take a shower, it’s a ritual.  When you have sex, it’s a ritual. When you dance, it’s a ritual. Now in the spiritual world, us folks know that ritual can be a lot more intense and potent that than, especially when it comes to working that Juju. But for the folks just getting into this world and wanting to learn more, I want to make it a little simpler to digest.

With some of the above examples. there’s a certain order to them. Although they are mundane, they are necessary practices that will help you manifest the intended result of a clean house, clean body, and other pleasant things. That is..unless you like when your washing machine catches on fire or when your dishes grow mutated bacterial anomalies on it. Are you starting to see how the concept of rituals can be applied to everyday life? They just aren’t normally called rituals. In general, we all them as chores, good hygiene, twerking or getting it in.

native dance

Let’s take it a little further. I feel like pushing the envelope tonight. If you’re religiously sensitive, you may want to stop reading No? Can’t say I didn’t warn ya!

“No she didn’t!”

When you PRAYit’s a ritual. Yea, I said it! When you go to church and receive a program that tells you the order of the service (*cough* ceremony) and things are usually done in that order (with the occasional note at the bottom of the paper that reminds us that things may change, according to the Holy Spirit)..guess what? It’s a ritual. When the pastor puts his “healing hands” one of his members to give some spiritual healing and comfort. Not ONLY is that a form of Reiki, but that’s also a..oh I know you’re tired of this word now..R-I-T-U-A-L. Oops, was that your toe?


Here’s a bonus: When people “speak in tongues”,  it’s a form of highly meditative chanting (another word that makes people want to throw a Bible at someone) that is usually previously induced by ritual (singing, dancing and anointing) that allows for the spiritual realm to open up just enough so that divine languages can be poured in the crown chakra (“Melodies from heaven..rain down on me!” Remember that song?) of the person, resulting in them channeling. But y’all don’t hear me though. 

 I hope you see where I’m going with this.


I’m not trying to be hard on ya, but I just want to bridge the gap between a lot of misunderstandings in the spiritual world. Maybe next time, I will address the negative connotation behind being a witch? Mmm-hmm, we need to go there. At the end of the day, its really best for us to release judgement and really seek to learn the other side of things with an open mind and heart. You never know, it may just unlock blessings and knowledge that you’ve been yearning for!

I won’t give you all the answers because I want you to discover for yourself and create your own journey. But I WILL suggest some things to you that will help you make the most of the full moon energy tonight through a simple ritual like this one. I promise, it’s gentle and very beneficial.

Please share this with someone who needs these things broken down! We all deserve some clarity.


Connect with me on social media and on my websites by clicking below! 

How to Have a Succulent & Fruitful Fall


And just like THAT *snaps fingers* we have already entered into the Fall season. It seems like just yesterday that I was getting ready for my day and being greeted with the sun and a warmth that wrapped around me with the best “Hello” ever. Now I walk out with the tease of the sun and the quite crisp reminder that its now time to throw on a little sweater and start rearranging my closet. Yup, it was definitely just yesterday. 

Honestly, I’m really not a big fan of cold weather at all. In the spring and summer, my mind body AND spirit thrive and I definitely feel more energetic, vivacious and pleasantly fiesty. During those seasons I am always quite busy dancing, creating and traveling. Astrologically, my Rising sign in Sagittarius takes over and I let that part of me run with the wind.

But over time, I’ve learned to embrace the other seasons as well because each season has its own message. When the cool breezes start coming in and the days start getting a little shorter day by day, its a reminder to me that its time to slow down, pay more attention to the details, and nourishing myself with alot more self-love. To me, the fall season is all about creating the warmth from within.

If you have been following my last two-part posts, you’ll already know that this particular spring and summer season that has passed has been full of shifts and transformations for me. I have evolved to the point that I’m definitely not that same woman that I was before April, or the beginning of this year for that matter.


Along with those shifts came new cravings for certain fruits in particular that I didn’t really eat on the regular like that. Recently I’ve had a very strong affinity to blueberries. Rich..juicy..sweet ORGANIC blueberries. Yes, there is a taste difference between organic blueberries and conventional ones. At first I didn’t pay this sudden craving any mind but then I started realizing that I was demolishing an entire container without even blinking. And they ABSOLUTELY had to be organic. I started just going with the flow and allowing my body to tell me what nutrients it needed by indulging whenever I got that twinge. Soon, I started eating them for a light breakfast and adding them to a breakfast with more substance like my “Day Oats” (don’t worry, I got ya covered on the recipe). 


Blueberries are super high in antioxidants, help boost digestion and urinary tract health, aid in improving vision, heals the brain, and also helps to improve your mood. Well what you look at that..helps to improve your mood. Ah. During my warm season of constant movement and shifting, my emotions were, at times, all over the place. My body knew this so it naturally craved something that would help keep my immune system strong and help keep my mood grounded while I was going through. You see how much your body really loves you? You should definitely stand naked in the mirror the next chance you get and thank it. 

Blueberries are also a great end-of-summer fruit, which is great news because I’m still eating them and don’t plan on stopping. Ha! Seriously though, when you align your physical body, you’ll also discover that your body will crave certain foods according to the seasons. I’ll leave that cliff-hanger for a future post. Pretty soon, I’ll be craving and demolishing pears.


Another thing that I discovered about blueberries was that its very color was beneficial and needed as well. If you follow the chakra system, the deep rich blue hue is associated with the throat chakra. One of the things that I had confront during my transformational period was to not only know my truth better but to SPEAK it with no apologies and zero hesitations. Confidence in myself got an upgrade. There’s no surprise that during this time I had weird jaw pain, my last two wisdom teeth started growing in more out of nowhere, and my gums started acting funny. Those damn wisdoms.  The energy body is real yall!

So how do you have a succulent and fruitful fall? It’s simple. Allow yourself to enjoy a handful of blueberries (with some pears on the side) as you start to think of all that the new season is about to bring you. I’ve already gotten a headstart. Have you?

Oops! Before I go, here’s a quick but nutritional breakfast to throw together for those days you’re running late:

“Day Oats”



Raw Oats 

Chia Seeds 


Vanilla Extract 

Unsweetened Vanilla Hemp Milk 


Colorful Mason Jar (optional if you like to have fun)


1.) Add oats, chia seeds and cinnamon together then mix. 

2.) Next, add Hemp Milk and vanilla extract and mix. 

Pause. Please be advised that Chia Seeds thicken the minute liquid hits them, don’t add too much! Also you just need a little dash of vanilla extract. 

3.) Add blueberries and mix again. 

4.) Let the concoction sit for 15-30 minutes so that everything can soak and soften (great when you’re on your way to work).  

5.) Nom Nom! 

For more of my favorite recipes, click here.

You’re welcome.


Connect with me on social media and on my websites by clicking below! 

Instagram: @nativewindsong / @earthwindandfinds

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Full Bloom Lessons: Part Deux


Let’s mentally teleport to somewhere really nice. If you haven’t been on a vacation yet, you can thank me later for this. Imagine that we are all sitting by the water with some nice Bahama Mamas while we talk about the complexities of life. Get comfy, throw up your feet and enjoy the breeze.

There are simply not enough words to describe life transformations sometimes! If you read my latest post before this one, you would already have the tea about what has been going on spiritually with me as of late.

In that post I mainly talked more about how the entire Universe conspired to make sure everything that I knew before that time fell ALL the way apart. Contrary to popular belief, things falling apart is not always a bad thing. Actually it’s a REALLY good thing. Let me explain.


For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction. – Cynthia Occelli

It’s easy to get on social media, post pictures and create amazingly inspirational statuses that will help motivate anyone. But it’s an entirely different thing to be in the midst of everything falling apart (or so it seems) and still manage to be vulnerable. Easier said than done, trust me. You know, we all get on each other about posting the “highlights” of our lives all the time and how happy everyone portrays their lives to be. There are even studies that prove how this affects some people. But do you want to know the kinds of things I like seeing when I scroll through my timeline? Authentic, raw and transparent commentary about the journey of someone who is constantly striving to BE light. And being HONEST about it. You can’t paint a pretty picture all the time.

This isn’t to say that it has to be a novel or that I enjoy digitally feeling people crying their eyes out every five minutes about the low points in their life. I still believe some things need to be kept in a journal, yes.  What I’m trying to say is that as a society AND community, we have a really hard time truly being vulnerable when our shit really does stink. Even worse, sometimes we lack the grace to express it in the right way. And you can forget about holding ourselves accountable for it all. Ask me how I know? I was given the same reality check.

Quite frankly, my recent process of coming undone most definitely triumphs the process I had going on almost a year ago, when I was embracing the unknown of some things that were transpiring in my life at that time. When going through things in my life, my usual M.O. is to immediately find a safe, hidden space to figure it all out. To the public, I will sometimes put on the “poker face”. Honey, Lady Gaga had nothing on my game. During this transformation period, I found myself being thrown out of my comfort zone and into experiences where I HAD to be vulnerable and raw about what was going on at that time. I couldn’t understand why I was getting opportunities left and right BUT in the midst of me having to put things on hold and feeling like everything wasn’t going to work out the way I planned.

Here are a few lessons I learned along the way:

Lesson 1: Your Vulnerability Heals Others Too


It was in those moments where I realized that the Universe was straight ripping my cloak off of me for all the world to see ( at least that’s the way it felt to me). Even though I still had time to stay to myself and work behind the scenes to sort some things out, there was still another side that was drawing things in. During this time, I vividly remember a friend of mine reaching out for my writing services. I didn’t realize how burned out I was getting until I started to work on what he needed my help with. I mean, I literally had THEE hardest time writing things that were so natural to me. My mind and heart were all over the place. Instead of my friend catching an attitude, he called me out and reached out to me in a way that let me know “Hey, there’s someone who understands EXACTLY what I’m going through. All I had to do was open up a little more.” When I expressed what was going on, he helped me through my emotions and even gave me some tips on how to resolve and improve certain things. Over the course of some weeks, not only did this help me finish up the project HE needed from me much faster, but it also allowed me to help him through something he needed which in turn greatly helped BOTH of our businesses in a HUGE way. Now we look back at it in awe and laugh because it was THAT mind-blowing. Had I not laid down my resistance and allowed myself to be vulnerable, I would have missed a vital piece of my undoing. You see how that works?


LADIES: If you don’t have really amazing male friends, you better get you some! Masculine presence is everything that you need! Don’t act like you don’t know!


Lesson 2: Know Who You Are At Your Core..And Don’t Apologize For That Shit!

While going through this transformation, I was also going through the process of a complicated breakup. Complications make everything else..well even more complicated. Imagine being that butterfly that is completely changing its form and DNA while watching your caterpillar of a boyfriend become unrecognizable to you right before your very eyes. Yea. It was like that. Where I was going, I just couldn’t take certain people. And I most DEFINITELY couldn’t allow apart of myself to die because I wanted to stay recognizable to them either. The conflict and frustration that I endured throughout that whole ordeal helped me to stand more firm in who I was and to NEVER let anyone define that for me ever again. The more I was allowing myself to be taken away from my core, the more my essence starting running back to it like my life depended on it. Because it actually did. To the person on the outside, I was seen as being a “rebel”. I realized that if that’s what I had to be to be unapologetically me, then they could buy me the shirt to go with it!

It is SO important to not only know who are, but OWN it and not worry about how you will be judged. Why? Because for every ONE person that can’t deal with that part of you (mostly because that part of you challenges a part of THEM they haven’t addressed within themselves yet..Uh oh, am I stepping on some toes yet? STOMP. ) there is a WHOLE crew waiting for you to express that part so they can snatch you up, love you, guide you and SUPPORT you like the long-lost little sister/brother they never had.

So let those few “can’t dealers” go. I can guarantee you that as they walk away, there’s a spark you lit in them that won’t go away. It will light them up eventually.

Lesson 3: Grace is Sufficient, So Fall Right


Like I described the fall of the Sky Mother, Ataensic, in Native American Mythology, I too had felt like I had fell from grace. HARD. In my eyes, there was just nothing cute about how everything was just breaking apart. To the people that know me really well, my turmoil could be seen on my face. To redirect the energy spent brooding over things that were just not working out, I would throw myself into other things. I’m not one to sulk for too long. Doing everything on my own was causing me to become very low tolerant with certain things with my friends, needing more solitude than usual and eventually I didn’t even feel like doing my usual spiritual practices because I was so out of it emotionally.

I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us. ~ Anne Lamott

What I was reminded of was that in some ways, I was loosing my grace. As a dancer, I’ve always been taught to never worry about the little mistakes or fumbles that I may make during a live performance. It’s always important to keep dancing. Why? Because those little mistakes you make look COMPLETELY different to the audience. If anything, they think that it’s apart of the flow of choreography you’re expressing and appreciate it even more. I can attest to that fully. You would think I would’ve remembered this when I felt like I was stumbling all over the place during my transformation period but..reminders have an uncanny way of coming when they’re needed, and NOT when you expect them.

“When life doesn’t meet your expectations, it was important to take it with grace.”

Patricia Briggs, When Demons Walk 

Wanna know a secret? Although I’ve felt as if I’ve already broken out of my Chrysalis, I am still getting used to these new wings. It’s said that when a butterfly has emerged out of its cocoon, its wings are still wet. However, this doesn’t mean that her wings are too wet to fly. What you don’t see close up is that she has to push the fluid from the front of her little body TO her wings so that she’s balanced, poised and ready for take off.


You ain’t seen nothing yet. 

“Butterflies are self propelled flowers.”

Robert A. Heinlein




Ataensic’s Chrysalis: Full Bloom

Guess whose back?!!

It’s been a really long time since I’ve gave you all some goodness lately, and I am most certainly going to make up for it. But first I must warn you, I’m not the same person you met the last time you read my words. 


No no..I’m not a shapeshifter and I didn’t steal someone’s identity in futile attempts to explore the world. (..although I always wanted to be a world traveler..ahem..well that’s besides the point).

My hiatus was due to some much-needed extensive time in my Chrysalis aka my cocoon. On all fronts, Spirit was prompting me to take everything–and I do mean EVERYTHING— to the next level. It was time for the next step in my evolution. And there was no escaping it.  It was also time for me to step back, pick up and re-discover some important things I may have left behind. I wish I could be super detailed about every little thing but as you can see, this process took a good 3-6 months to get to, with the last 3-4 months being the most intense.


I have this habit where I’ll try to mentally backtrack and figure out when things started to get really cray-cray. It’s a kind of checkpoint that gives me an idea of all that I’ve went through and triumphed through thus far. #CapricornProblems

I can say that everything started to hit a plateau around the middle of April. My spidey senses started tingling around this time and I started getting new signs; signs that I usually didn’t get. I am one of those people who gets a ton of different angel numbers and a slew of other kinds of messages but something else started to emerge. I started to getting some SERIOUS animal totems.

Ironically around this time, I was finishing up the pages of one of my main life journals. The ending of a journal is always significant to me because it usually ends in a way that is symbolic of a major phase ending in my life. Of course, I always do a ritual to honor that. The next few days I went on a search for a new journal at Barnes & Nobles. I am suuuch a sucker for the printed Italian leather ones. Now usually they only have certain kinds of Italian leather designs, but this time around, they had just put out some unusually bold designs that I wasn’t used to. It was a pleasant and welcomed surprise though. I usually expect for it to take me about 20 minutes to pick the right journal that speaks to me, mainly because I always find two that I REALLY like and I have to play a serious game of elimination. The times have definitely changed, as I INSTANTLY saw the one I was supposed to have.


Now I’ve never been super big on butterflies but this journal almost felt like it was calling ME and me ONLY. It was the loudest inner answer I had ever gotten. I even tried to revert back to trying to find a second best to compete with it (you know, just to make sure I was still sane) and it was almost as if the journal said “Tashia..Ta–WOMAN. I am RIGHT HERE. don’t look behind me..noooo. I’m exactly what you need right now. Yes..yes that it.

The card reads:

The card reads: “Mosaic Butterflies – Cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis.

That night I went into my mini-art studio and created some art while opening my new journal. The window was cracked, bringing in fresh spring air that had big promises of warm weather to come, and my Spirit was so excited about the things to come that every nerve ending felt like it was dancing. Although I wasn’t exactly sure what was coming, I knew that I was super excited about its arrival for sure.

..I really wish somebody would’ve told me “Chile!! You’re in for a wild ride!!” because that’s EXACTLY what I was in for. During this time, I started connecting with some AMAZING women from the Divine Wisdom Radio crew. They created a 30 Day “Heal Thyself” Challenge that just really blew me away. The culmination of this challenge was an overnight womb retreat that I’m so glad I was able to drive down with a good friend and participate in. (Be sure to check out the reflections from the retreat here)

During this time, my animal totems increased BIG time. I mean I saw butterflies EVERYWHERE, in waking and in dream life. My Angel numbers increased, I started receiving a bunch of spirital gifts in the form of complimentary readings and as I opened myself up more, everything just started accelerating. To align mind body and spirit, I also did a 3-day juice detox. However, with that acceleration came a few breakdowns of course. Family matters came up, my business plans slowed up, causing me to go on hiatus for awhile and the relationship I was in that I THOUGHT was the bomb literally turned into..well a bomb that completely blew up in my face. The hometown city I currently reside in became worldwide news as riots broke out everywhere. It all just took a toll on me that I honestly wasn’t expecting. Then.. enter the glorious planet retrogrades! Mercury TORE. ME. UP. You hear me?

In hindsight, I was the EPITOME of what that butterfly represented. She wanted me to know that we were one in the same. And she wouldn’t stop buggin’ me until I figured it out. The gift that I was getting was a complete reset so that I could enter my next stage in life with a clean slate. Anything that was going to impede that process had to be removed because there was only so much room within that chrysalis. Lawd knows I needed all my strength and all the space to push out of that thing when it was time to.


Totem Talk: The butterfly is associated with the soul, symbolizing profound personal transformation, renewal and elevation from earthly matters. She carries the important message of moving through major transitions with grace and lightness.

What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes. Consider for a moment the kind of energy this expends. Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. – Anna Merkaba

More recently, the butterfly came back to remind me that she wasn’t quite done. This past weekend’s Lion’s Gate portal on Saturday reopened the entire phase I had been going through. This time however, it was a reminder that it was finally time to break out of the cocoon. The struggle was ending and the woman I was when I first entered was stronger, wiser and working with an advanced blueprint. One that I was more confident about. Further confirmation of that came in the form of yet another picture I just happened to see on a friend’s page of a butterfly emerging out of her cocoon with ease. In every aspect of my life, I felt like the struggle was ending. My business, Earth Wind & Finds, LLC started blooming in bigger and better ways, my finances started to balance out, my writing skills increased and I experienced a ton of patience and support from really good friends. That ain’t even half of it. We would be here forever though. 


I was also reminded of my Native roots and how everything was interconnected before I even paid enough attention to realize it. This journey also helped me become more passionate about connecting with my ancestors. Last week, I was researching some Goddesses to put on a new altar I wanted to put together and came across Ataensic herself. When I read her story again with a new perspective, I instantly resonated with her.


The Native American Goddess, Ataensic, was the Iroquois Goddess of Fertility & Motherhood. She is also more widely known as the Sky Mother. According to legend, she lived in a world above the sky, in the celestial realms. While she was pregnant, she fell through a hole in the sky, dug up from the roots of a tree. It’s said that her jealous husband, Sky Chief, lured her into the hole.

The world was a watery place at that time. However, waterbirds came to meet her and helped her land safely on the back of a big turtle. She drew up mud from below to form land on the Earth. In many ways she was the First Woman who later gave birth to a daughter that gave birth to twins that represented the duality of good and evil.

Was it a coincidence that I felt connected to this particular Goddess, being that I am myself from an Iroquois tribe? Nope! Was it coincidence that around the end of last year, I felt drawn to write for a blog  that directly honors her? Of course not! Her story reflected exactly what I felt and had been through. In many ways, I felt like I had fell from grace in the worst way. But I still managed to land safely and gracefully, creating new, stronger ground to walk on. You would think that I would have connected all this a long time ago, I mean from the outside looking in it was pretty clear. Don’t you hate when that happens? 

There were so many lessons I learned and re-visited during this time. Lessons that I will go more into in the next post.

Nowadays, my truth is stronger than ever.

Stay tuned for Part 2!


Permitting, Allowing & Living

When is the last time you’ve given yourself permission?

Yes. That is a real question. So I’m going to ask again. When is the last time you’ve given yourself permission? Pause. Really think about it. Come back to reality and continue reading.


After asking yourself this question, pay close attention to the very first thing that comes up as an internal answer. That’s where it gets interesting.

In my experiences, I’ve discovered that it’s not the things outside of ourselves that stops us from living life and doing the things we REALLY want to do and share, but rather the ENTIRE Universe that we have within us that we downplay simply because the acknowledgement of what we’re really capable of is straight up overwhelming. This results in playing small and safe. We get in our own way. 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;
It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others. – Nelson Mandela & Marianne Williamson

Although we all, at some point, have read and heard about this quote a million times over, the magnitude of what’s being said may not hit you at first, which proves the point of the whole poem in the first place.

Why do you keep questioning yourself? Why do you second-guess your abilities? Why do you feel like you have to be more of something in order to feel good about being ALL of you, which is already enough? What’s stopping you? What are you waiting for?

The current reality around you is a byproduct of what you allow yourself to feel, experience, and learn. And it doesn’t matter whether your reality is positive or negative, for its all manifested from the same source. YOU.

Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not think too much, to not worry about what the next day may hold, to not freak out about where the next milestone in life may take you and to not give a damn what other people think.

MOST times, you NEED to give yourself permission to dive in, to make mistakes, to ask stupid questions, to expand your network of friends outside of your country, to TRAVEL to those countries outside of your own, to go ahead and LOVE that person without worrying about how they may feel, to say NO to what no longer serves you or what you no longer feel fulfilled in doing and to live a life that’s completely unconventional yet compliments your desires.

I guess what I’m trying to say is..give yourself permission to be exactly who you are. Give yourself permission to appreciate every single aspect, angle, nook and cranny that makes up your distinctive existence on this planet (Because I can guarantee you that NO one can do what you do, in the way that you do it). Give yourself permission to be better than the person you were yesterday, with room to expand who you’re striving to be.

Allow yourself to FEEL, and stop acting hard all the time. Allow yourself to carve out our own path without even WONDERING what someone else’s path is looking like. Cause it’s none of your business.

While reflecting on this, a video came to mind that one of my favorite mentors, the lovely Namaste Moore, posted recently. She sums it up quite perfectly:

So…what are you waiting for? Let go and live out loud!

Quick disclaimer before I go: If you’re a serial killer, a villain from another dimension, or just plain crazy, you may not want to take my advice. Just speaking for the rest of humanity here.

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